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Outing to Indian Creek Nature Center Bird Room

Saturday, January 13th 2:00-3:30 pm.

Let’s enjoy an afternoon of nature therapy watching birds flying free to and from the feeders while we are caged warm and cozy in the bird room at Indian Creek’s Amazing Space building.

Directions: Indian Creek’s Amazing Space is located in the prairie at 5300 Otis Road SE, Cedar

Rapids. From Mt Vernon Road, turn south onto 44th St SE. Go for 1.3 mi. Then turn left onto Otis Rd SE. Go for 0.6 mile. The entrance driveway will be on your left; an old farm wagon sits at the entrance. Carpooling: If you’d like to carpool, let us know at a meeting or call 319-640-5357.  

Inclement Weather: In the event of inclement weather, the nature outing will be rescheduled for a subsequent Saturday. Information will be posted on the Facebook Group “Cedar Rapids 55 Plus” or you can call 319-640-5357.


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