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November 27 Cancellation

The November 27th Coffee & Chat has been canceled.


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June Events & Outings

Monday, June 3rd 1-3:30 pm, “Mansion Row” by History Center’s Jenny Thielman: Jenny Thielman will delve into the captivating tale of the area adjacent to downtown Cedar Rapid, once dubbed “Mansion Hil

Thursday, May 23 Program Changed

This Thursday's program wlll be a discussion of plans for a permanent senior center in the area. The program on Ukraine will be held at a later date. Thursday, May 23rd, 1-3:30 pm, Wisdom of the Crowd

May Events & Outings

Thursday, May 2nd 1-3:30 pm, Bingo: A social game of chance, bingo, is growing in popularity and is enjoyed by people of all ages.  Besides being great recreation, playing bingo help older adults main

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